The weekend was a blur. Sometimes it's the pits to have chemo on Friday. I slept all weekend. Seriously! I don't remember much of anything except waking up and going back to sleep. I so needed it though. It was a busy week in OK and MO for work. I ran myself ragged this past week and when I do that my body has a hard time catching up, so Friday night I hit the bed and Saturday and Sunday the bed and I were buds. I wasn't a very good mate. I'm so glad to have an understanding mate.
Good news! Chance, my youngest has a full time job starting in two weeks. Thank you God. The poor boy (man) has been working 3 part time jobs and really needed this break. He'll be working full time for the Weatherford Police Dept. Thank you God - you have been good to the Garrett family lately.
Today when I went out to move my car (we've been having major construction in the back where our covered parking is) my next door neighbor was out back, Nat Cohen and I began to talk. I've lived next door to him for 13 months and this is the most we've said to each other. Funny how it works. He and I really talked last year after he discovered I walked in the Komen walks. He sister is a breast cancer survivor and he had a daughter pass away from it! She lives in NYC I just found out. He lit up when I told him I had been to NY. He was raised there and the joy on his face when asking me what I had enjoyed and visited while there. He has two sons that live in Austin and San Antonio. I told him I worry when his papers pile up since I know his routine. Once when his brother-in-law passed away and Carlos(our maintenance man)actually broke into his place to check on him because his papers piled up for a week and they thought he had died in there. He wants to know when I participate in the next Komen walks. I found out that Mr. "blue pajamas" is 91 and still moving about. He's our other neighbor. I like living here. I still want to get rid of the upstairs neighbors. They are rude but it's okay - I'll make do.
Get to know your neighbors. You never know their stories. They may be someone with an interesting story. They could be someone that needs a friend or someone that could use a hello every once in a while. I always try and smile and make sure my neighbors know that I would be there to help them out. You just never know!
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