Wow, it's been a while since my last post. Let's see if I can recap the last couple of weeks without boring anyone. Well, I've had a concussion that I didn't know I had for a week. Yes, I took a fall getting out of the bathtub before I left for Houston on a business trip and I felt like total hell that entire week I was gone, headache, couldn't keep food down, pain management for me was terrible. I really could not figure it out. Now as a mother of two boys, I knew that if you hit your head you want a knot to come up, but I had held ice on my forehead all the way to Houston and didn't think anything of it. I learned later that I actually had worked all week with a concussion. I have a very hard head but I guess not hard enough.
Well, training for two 60 miles walks is well under way. Though I felt like crap this past week, I went and brought my new shoes and I'm on my way to getting into shape for Washington, DC the first weekend in Oct and then Dallas the first weekend in Nov. I can't really wait. I donated my other two pair of shoes when I bought these and I was a little emotional to say the least. They had some miles and memories and then I realized, those memories are all in my heart and head.
I had my Itunes account hacked into on July 10th and didn't find this out until the 17th, so I've been fighting with then until today to get my account unlocked. When I find out who did this, well, I will cause some tj whoop ass. Really! And for Itunes to be such a snot about it. They finally apologized today. These people won't even pick up a phone, it's all done by e-mail and I'm a talk to me person. Try doing this stuff when you travel. Not easy.
I've been banned from the Hunter man again. I knew this was coming since I sent the 3 page typed letter to Lariat and poured out my heart and true feelings and let him know I was not giving any more excuses for him. Oh well, grow it and face life young man. Life is hard and I'll get over it. Hunter will understand one day, it just pisses me off at Ashley, she knows better, she'll come around when she needs money, I'm sure.
Chance came for a visit this week. It was good to see him. He is doing well in his job as a full time dispatcher with Weatherford Police Dept. and his doing some type of volunteer(there is another name for what he does with them) for Roam(sp)PD. He's happy. Most importantly, he's going on the "hell week", that's the week of shows we have here in TX. Thank you God for that. It just so happens his days off falls during that week.
I have to talk about something that was done for my team this week. Ryan Patrick Imming of RPI music has done something totally amazing. First of all you all know that I walk on a team called Sharla Schooley's Angels. It's named for Sharla Schooley who lost the fight in March of this year. Anyway, I was looking for a creative way to raise money for our team. After all we each have to raise 2300.00 for each walk we participate in. Like I have to raise 4600.00 in 3 months. Anyway, I had sent Ryan a message asking if he would write a song for us to sell. I didn't know if he would do it. I mean I've met Ryan a couple of times, I know his wife Anya Imming, she reps for Peerless, but Ryan is busy, so I didn't know if he would have time to do this. But immediately, he came back and said when, where, what do you need and of course I will. Well, this week, he went above and beyond. Not only did he write the song, he offered to put it on his site and let us link it, he will give all the proceeds to us. So, for .99 cents you can download this song called "When I Hold On". You can go onto my Facebook page to see the link. It's touching, it's awesome, it will make you cry! I will never, ever be able to repay Ryan for his kindness, his generosity, he has given a gift that can never be returned. The thought that this could raise all types of funds for cancer is great. I hope you all like it as much as I do.
Well, pray for no blisters, no shin splints, and tons of miles in. I have miles of training to go and 120 miles to prepare for. Pray for continuous health for me that God gives me strength to make these walks happen. He is has been so good to me.
"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." - John Wooden
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
A little rest!
Thursday night the lunch bunch gals and others gathered at Diane's to celebrate McKenna's new little boy coming into the world soon. God has chosen September 11th for him to enter this world. What a glorious date for him to be born. Most people remember that date as something terrible but I think of that as a date that changed our world. A ton of people left there homes that glorious day expecting nothing but the best and found themselves face to face with God. It just goes to show you that we must all never take life for granted. It just reminds me that we must never leave for the day without saying a "I love you", no matter if it's just to run down the street. It was so great to see everyone. There is nothing like girlfriends and there is not a one of those women that I wouldn't run to help if asked. Good friends.
No chemo this weekend. I arrived Friday morning but my counts were "so out of whack" that they wouldn't proceed with treatment. This is the first time in a while that this is happened but I should have known something was up. I've been so crabby and tired the past couple of weeks and especially the past week. They gave me a prescription for an antibiotic but I got so busy on Friday trying to get everything done for this coming week that I just didn't get over to get it filled. Finally Friday about 7:30PM I called to see if I could come in for an IV drip of antibiotics. They were just fine with it due to the fact that my counts were so low. I'm glad I did, I just felt so bad. Saturday, I awoke feeling better but still tired. We ran a couple of errands and then I slept most of the day away. I finally was sound asleep by 6:30 last night and slept until 7:30 this morning. I have an early day tomorrow since I have to leave here by 6:00 to drive to Houston.
Not much more to report. It's been so boring around the Garrett household. Sleep and sleep and that's about it! Except Training camp is about to start and nothing gets me more excited than football!
No chemo this weekend. I arrived Friday morning but my counts were "so out of whack" that they wouldn't proceed with treatment. This is the first time in a while that this is happened but I should have known something was up. I've been so crabby and tired the past couple of weeks and especially the past week. They gave me a prescription for an antibiotic but I got so busy on Friday trying to get everything done for this coming week that I just didn't get over to get it filled. Finally Friday about 7:30PM I called to see if I could come in for an IV drip of antibiotics. They were just fine with it due to the fact that my counts were so low. I'm glad I did, I just felt so bad. Saturday, I awoke feeling better but still tired. We ran a couple of errands and then I slept most of the day away. I finally was sound asleep by 6:30 last night and slept until 7:30 this morning. I have an early day tomorrow since I have to leave here by 6:00 to drive to Houston.
Not much more to report. It's been so boring around the Garrett household. Sleep and sleep and that's about it! Except Training camp is about to start and nothing gets me more excited than football!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Think, Laugh, Cry
I have the best doctor. Dr. Cather called me herself a few hours ago to let me know that the place on my chest that she removed last Friday she got all clear margins and that the two places on my back were precancerous and that she was pleased with and both were "clean". She said that "I was not falling apart". I just love her. She still not taking new patients but if you want a good dermatologist she is the best.
Hunter and Ashley came up on Sunday to visit. Hunter wasn't feeling well. The doctor had prescribed some 83.00 medicine for him that Ashley couldn't afford and I certainly couldn't. I went to my pharmacist and she told me what to get over the counter for him that would help. It was only about 10.00. Hunter was to stay the night but he was a little clingy, so I felt that he shouldn't. I'm really glad he didn't because I woke up Monday, not feeling by best. I think I might have caught what he had from the week before.
I flew into Kansas on early Tuesday morning and had meetings all day. Man my butt was dragging so by the time I got to the hotel yesterday. It had been dragging so much that it had rug burns. LOL! I feel a little better today. Not as tired.
I had a phone conversation with Ashley today which really ticked me off. She said that Hunter couldn't spend the night on Monday night with Chance because Lariat said so. Lariat who is sitting in a jail cell and wants me to send him money is saying his younger brother can't keep Hunter because he doesn't know him. Bullcrap! Chance is the most responsible person I know. He is a police office for Heaven's sake. If the Weatherford Police Department trust him - Lariat should, but of course Lariat has DWIs and has been smoking pot lately so I don't think his judgement is very clear. If I find out that this is Ashley making this judgement. Well, let's just say I won't be very happy. I won't be sending Lariat any money but I will be sending him a letter to let him know how I'm feeling and that he better get his s..t together. He has a choice to make and that Chance is stepping up to the plate to help out. Ashley is been manipulating me lately and I'm over it. In my letter to Lariat I told him to grow up and to make a decision to wallow or make some good life choices for himself and Hunter. I was frank. It made me feel better, that's all that matters at this point.
I'm gearing up for the 3Day walks. Two this year - DC in October and Dallas in November. I love the team I'm on and I love doing these. I'd walk to the moon and back with Jason. We always have something to laugh about and that's what's important in this lifetime. Don't forget to "think, laugh, cry at least once every day of your life".
Hunter and Ashley came up on Sunday to visit. Hunter wasn't feeling well. The doctor had prescribed some 83.00 medicine for him that Ashley couldn't afford and I certainly couldn't. I went to my pharmacist and she told me what to get over the counter for him that would help. It was only about 10.00. Hunter was to stay the night but he was a little clingy, so I felt that he shouldn't. I'm really glad he didn't because I woke up Monday, not feeling by best. I think I might have caught what he had from the week before.
I flew into Kansas on early Tuesday morning and had meetings all day. Man my butt was dragging so by the time I got to the hotel yesterday. It had been dragging so much that it had rug burns. LOL! I feel a little better today. Not as tired.
I had a phone conversation with Ashley today which really ticked me off. She said that Hunter couldn't spend the night on Monday night with Chance because Lariat said so. Lariat who is sitting in a jail cell and wants me to send him money is saying his younger brother can't keep Hunter because he doesn't know him. Bullcrap! Chance is the most responsible person I know. He is a police office for Heaven's sake. If the Weatherford Police Department trust him - Lariat should, but of course Lariat has DWIs and has been smoking pot lately so I don't think his judgement is very clear. If I find out that this is Ashley making this judgement. Well, let's just say I won't be very happy. I won't be sending Lariat any money but I will be sending him a letter to let him know how I'm feeling and that he better get his s..t together. He has a choice to make and that Chance is stepping up to the plate to help out. Ashley is been manipulating me lately and I'm over it. In my letter to Lariat I told him to grow up and to make a decision to wallow or make some good life choices for himself and Hunter. I was frank. It made me feel better, that's all that matters at this point.
I'm gearing up for the 3Day walks. Two this year - DC in October and Dallas in November. I love the team I'm on and I love doing these. I'd walk to the moon and back with Jason. We always have something to laugh about and that's what's important in this lifetime. Don't forget to "think, laugh, cry at least once every day of your life".
Saturday, July 10, 2010
What's been going on!
What's been going on in my world...So much. Hunter came for a visit on Monday and stayed for a night. We had a great time. This is the first time since he was about 6 months old that he's stayed the night without his parents. He was so precious. We had the best time. We went for a swim and had a great time together. He absolutely loves his Uncle Chance. I would just mention Chance and he would say "Chance". He would get on the phone with him and talk. I have video of him on the phone. I swear they spoke about 10 times between the two days. It was my favorite.
On Tuesday and Wednesday I was in Austin for business and at night a little fun. The owner of my company was in town with his family. Ben, his youngest was playing in a Jr. Volleyball Tournament there in Austin and it was so much fun to watch his team play every night.
On Thursday I came home and stopped by Byron and Cathy's. They fed me the best food. Thank God to have good friends on the way home.
Friday, was chemo and radiation day. It was also my 3 month check up with my dermatologist. I had three places removed. The one on my chest, she at first thought wasn't a big deal but would check anyway, once she cut into it, she told me it was "a good catch since it felt different". We will wait and see what the pathology reports say.
The honey is out of town for the next week, so today I'm resting up. Hunter is coming for a visit again tomorrow afternoon and will stay the night with me again. I'm guessing you all are wondering why he's starting to stay so much. Well, I don't talk about this much but my oldest son, Lariat had his probation revoked last week. Lariat has had a drug and alcohol problem since he was 17, he is now 28. He once was heavy into meth and beat it but he's been in trouble off and on. He can't seem to stay away from smoking the pot. I thought that he would do it for Hunter and he has for a while but a few months ago he started back up. He's unhappy, depressed, he has been all of his life and it goes back to Taylor's death. He's needed therapy since that time and my ex husband didn't think the boys should get any. He thought therapy made a person weak not better. Lariat once told a friend of ours that he caused Taylor's death because a week before she died he said "he wished she'd never been born". So now Lariat is sitting in a Johnson county jail waiting on a hearing to see what his fate is. He's facing at least 2 years. We are hoping to see if we can get him some rehab help. That is the one thing he's never had in all these years. I don't know what to do any more for him. Emotionally and financially, I'm drained. Lariat realizes that I love him but I won't support his habit but I will support him in getting help. I will make sure that Hunter makes it out this with out too much emotional damage, that is why he's coming to visit as much as I can take without tiring myself out.
Well, that is what is going on in my world. Until we talk again.
On Tuesday and Wednesday I was in Austin for business and at night a little fun. The owner of my company was in town with his family. Ben, his youngest was playing in a Jr. Volleyball Tournament there in Austin and it was so much fun to watch his team play every night.
On Thursday I came home and stopped by Byron and Cathy's. They fed me the best food. Thank God to have good friends on the way home.
Friday, was chemo and radiation day. It was also my 3 month check up with my dermatologist. I had three places removed. The one on my chest, she at first thought wasn't a big deal but would check anyway, once she cut into it, she told me it was "a good catch since it felt different". We will wait and see what the pathology reports say.
The honey is out of town for the next week, so today I'm resting up. Hunter is coming for a visit again tomorrow afternoon and will stay the night with me again. I'm guessing you all are wondering why he's starting to stay so much. Well, I don't talk about this much but my oldest son, Lariat had his probation revoked last week. Lariat has had a drug and alcohol problem since he was 17, he is now 28. He once was heavy into meth and beat it but he's been in trouble off and on. He can't seem to stay away from smoking the pot. I thought that he would do it for Hunter and he has for a while but a few months ago he started back up. He's unhappy, depressed, he has been all of his life and it goes back to Taylor's death. He's needed therapy since that time and my ex husband didn't think the boys should get any. He thought therapy made a person weak not better. Lariat once told a friend of ours that he caused Taylor's death because a week before she died he said "he wished she'd never been born". So now Lariat is sitting in a Johnson county jail waiting on a hearing to see what his fate is. He's facing at least 2 years. We are hoping to see if we can get him some rehab help. That is the one thing he's never had in all these years. I don't know what to do any more for him. Emotionally and financially, I'm drained. Lariat realizes that I love him but I won't support his habit but I will support him in getting help. I will make sure that Hunter makes it out this with out too much emotional damage, that is why he's coming to visit as much as I can take without tiring myself out.
Well, that is what is going on in my world. Until we talk again.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Windshield time!
As I'm sitting here getting another dose of "vitamins". I'm reflecting on my week. It's been a hard one. First of all, I've been all over west TX. I flew into Lubbock on Monday and then drove over to Odessa for meetings. The best thing when driving back to Lubbock was when my tire felt low. I stopped at a farm and ranch place and low and behold, there before me was a "tire pony" just for Mr. Hunter. So, into the car went a pony swing with a red, white and blue mane. Too cute and a no flat. God's way of saying "hey, take a detour, look here". Love it. He has the most amazing way of getting my attention these days. Thank YOU!
On Tuesday after a meeting in Lubbock, I headed over to Amarillo. Did you know there is a town called Happy, TX? Yep! On my way back from my meetings, I actually stopped in Happy. Took a few pictures. I actually wanted to talk to someone to find out if they were happy to live in Happy but I couldn't find anyone in the 600 and something town. Wow - that is fewer than the number of people in the town I was raised in. I wonder if they play 6 man ball. Again, taking a little time to find out about the little things in life now days. I'm not missing anything anymore. I've driven by that town 10 times in my years of travel. This was my chance!
I drove just under 600 miles in two days. I was exhausted and ready for some bed. I used to love windshield time. Not so much anymore. Though I did some a ton of farm and green tractors. I haven't seen those in a while. God has planted some seeds. That I'm grateful for.
Wednesday after some meetings in Lubbock I flew home. I got in just as the storms blew thru. Thank you weather Gods.
I'm doing a little sofa surfing this weekend. Going to enjoy a little downtime, fireworks, some good food but no big plans unless I can get my hands on a little Hunter man. Then everything could change in a heartbeat. Life with that little man around, well my attitude changes from ho hum to hot diggity dog. I don't care if I feel like ground in dirt. When he's around I can muster the largest smile and my heart swells with love. Thank you God for granting me a Grandson!
On Tuesday after a meeting in Lubbock, I headed over to Amarillo. Did you know there is a town called Happy, TX? Yep! On my way back from my meetings, I actually stopped in Happy. Took a few pictures. I actually wanted to talk to someone to find out if they were happy to live in Happy but I couldn't find anyone in the 600 and something town. Wow - that is fewer than the number of people in the town I was raised in. I wonder if they play 6 man ball. Again, taking a little time to find out about the little things in life now days. I'm not missing anything anymore. I've driven by that town 10 times in my years of travel. This was my chance!
I drove just under 600 miles in two days. I was exhausted and ready for some bed. I used to love windshield time. Not so much anymore. Though I did some a ton of farm and green tractors. I haven't seen those in a while. God has planted some seeds. That I'm grateful for.
Wednesday after some meetings in Lubbock I flew home. I got in just as the storms blew thru. Thank you weather Gods.
I'm doing a little sofa surfing this weekend. Going to enjoy a little downtime, fireworks, some good food but no big plans unless I can get my hands on a little Hunter man. Then everything could change in a heartbeat. Life with that little man around, well my attitude changes from ho hum to hot diggity dog. I don't care if I feel like ground in dirt. When he's around I can muster the largest smile and my heart swells with love. Thank you God for granting me a Grandson!
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