Thursday night the lunch bunch gals and others gathered at Diane's to celebrate McKenna's new little boy coming into the world soon. God has chosen September 11th for him to enter this world. What a glorious date for him to be born. Most people remember that date as something terrible but I think of that as a date that changed our world. A ton of people left there homes that glorious day expecting nothing but the best and found themselves face to face with God. It just goes to show you that we must all never take life for granted. It just reminds me that we must never leave for the day without saying a "I love you", no matter if it's just to run down the street. It was so great to see everyone. There is nothing like girlfriends and there is not a one of those women that I wouldn't run to help if asked. Good friends.
No chemo this weekend. I arrived Friday morning but my counts were "so out of whack" that they wouldn't proceed with treatment. This is the first time in a while that this is happened but I should have known something was up. I've been so crabby and tired the past couple of weeks and especially the past week. They gave me a prescription for an antibiotic but I got so busy on Friday trying to get everything done for this coming week that I just didn't get over to get it filled. Finally Friday about 7:30PM I called to see if I could come in for an IV drip of antibiotics. They were just fine with it due to the fact that my counts were so low. I'm glad I did, I just felt so bad. Saturday, I awoke feeling better but still tired. We ran a couple of errands and then I slept most of the day away. I finally was sound asleep by 6:30 last night and slept until 7:30 this morning. I have an early day tomorrow since I have to leave here by 6:00 to drive to Houston.
Not much more to report. It's been so boring around the Garrett household. Sleep and sleep and that's about it! Except Training camp is about to start and nothing gets me more excited than football!
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