Seriously, It's Thursday and the 3 Day begins tomorrow. I'm in RUSH mode already. This week has flown by already. I tried my best to rest over the weekend. I sofa surfed as much as I could, though I did sneak out for a party on Saturday over to my girlfriends for a Ranger watching party and apparently that was the secret because they won but we just couldn't pull it off the rest of the series. But it's okay - those Rangers made me proud, they played with heart and soul and to see Jim Sundberg again and Nolan Ryan every night - WELL that can make a girl HAPPY! Now for my Cowboys, let's just say I still have HOPE for them. HOPE they can find heart and soul to play like the old team they were.
Monday I drove down to Houston for appointments and a luncheon. Monday I got the news that I have to have Mohs surgery on the cancer on my face and back for sure. Tuesday, I finally was able to have that schedule for December (my November is booked solid) and I was told that I have to start radiation again on the lung tumor that has grown. I had a small melt down and my rant against cancer and how badly I hate it. It lasted a whole 45 minutes before I realized that I could stomp it out this weekend with a good walk. LOL! I'll start radiation on Monday. I drove home on Wednesday and worked until Midnight. I have a long list of things to do today, to get ready work wise just so I can take off a couple of days. I also have to find a new Executor of my Estate, as mine told me yesterday that she doesn't want to do it after being on it for a year. I just wish she could have waited to tell me instead of telling me a couple of days before the walk. When she said she's been wanting to tell me for a long time - whatever that is suppose to mean. She rode in the car with me for 600 miles 5 weeks ago, could she have told me then.
Tonight we have our team dinner. Our teammate Jana has it at her house so we can "carb up". I love this. We have 13 walking on our team (ok 12 - we still count Sharla even though she left us on March 10th) - Sharla Schooley's Angels. My friend Mike came up with an inspirational quote for us. I love him for it. "Our memories give us the energy to take each and every step. It is the hope that gives us the determination to finish." Seriously, that is what will get me to finish 60 miles this weekend. OK and the support and love of my family and friends!
If each of you will say a prayer for our team, I would be thankful. Chance will keep everyone posted on Facebook. Seriously, stomping out cancer is on my list this week!
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