I've been home all week! Seriously, it feels like a mini vacation with work. Sleeping in my own bed each night and eating good food. Oh, it feels good.
On a Monday night I was vacuuming my own floors and no it was not my fairy godmother doing it - though I have thought about getting another cleaning service to come in and help me again. Though I did promise myself that that expense is just that an expense.
Tuesday after work I went and joined Jason to help celebrate his birthday. Oh dear how I love him and this gang we call the Angels. I still don't know how they came to accept me as one of them but I love them. We will be walking in MN in just a couple of weeks and WOW it will be an adventure. Sharla is still dearly missed and I know she smiles down everyday on how her precious brother has made her fight with breast cancer his mission to destroy it now. Our team is AWESOME. Jason's birthday celebration was a blast and we had some fun.
Tuesday I had to have some cancerous places removed off of my body again. 2 from my chest, 1 off my back, 1 off the back of my head (very small precious hair loss), 1 from lower left leg, 1 from the bikini area (most concerned about - mole looked very suspicious). Damn things grow better than the grass here in TX does. SERIOUSLY!
My big complaint this week is TIME WASTERS. I'm sick of them! Let me explain. Tuesday I go to see a new dermatologist. I get there 30 minutes ahead of schedule as they indicated since I'm a new patient, they had called on Friday to verify my insurance and I had even offered to fax in my paperwork but oh no, just bring it in. My appointment time comes and goes. I swear when they give you that time it should really say "Appointment time: good luck sucker" Anyway finally called back, nurse goes over why you are there - never under stand this because you have to say the same darn thing to the doctor when they come in. I say I'm there for a full body check - wait another 35 minutes. Doctor comes in and she sits down, asks me a few questions (note this), then states she needs a full body check, I needs to be in a gown, "Let me step out a moment, while you change.". Now, I'm already undressing out of my shorts and top. I'm not modest and the nurses (yes there are two for some dumb reason) is telling me to leave on my undergarments. They step out, so 5, 10, 15 minutes go by and I'm fuming. I put back on my clothes, gather my things and step into the hallway and the nurse with the blond hair and an attitude (like I don't have one myself) wants to know where I'm going. I explain a "moment" to me is less than a minute and my time happens to be valuable and not 15 minutes of moments. She tells me the doctor is coming right now. I said "right now as in by the time I turn around and get my clothes off right now". I was still undressed and sitting on the table 2 minutes later when the witch came in. She states "you got undressed faster than I thought" Bullshit, you just wasted my time! I swear! Now with the cutting and burning, Time Wasted: 2 hours 45 minutes
Sunday, I go to pick up prescriptions (I take a few!!!). The pharmacist states "do you have a new card for this one drug, the card seems to not be working". I said well it is good until the 12-31. Now, this means I have to go home, wait til Monday, call about the card, it is still good, but they allow me to print another, go back, to the pharmacy on Wednesday, give the card another pharmacist there, he gives me the card back (after 15 minutes), tells me I have to activate the card (I had left my phone in the car to charge) didn't even offer me to use their phone and it is 106 here in Dallas, I walk out to my car, activate the card (cell coverage in TARGET (yes I'm stating their name since their service was crappy this week), and when I get back inside, I ask "what happened to the original card on file that is still good. The pharmacist said "you have one on file?". Why yes Jackass I do. He goes back behind the little counter and comes back 10 minutes later and states "oh I ran the prescription on the original card and it went thru just fine. I don't know what happened the first time, I didn't run it the first time". Do you want this card back (the card I just went out to activate". Hell YES!. Time Wasted: 45 minutes! not including my Sunday and Monday on the phone and Internet. Time Wasters!!!!
I can count so many times this week of people questioning something I've done or said. Someone in customer service thinking I didn't know the colors a product came in and wasted 20 minutes of my time so I could track down that information, etc.. So, I'm asking you, think about what you do. Will it cost someone time? Think about your response, your actions in traffic, will allowing that one car in really cost you time, sometimes, it will get you there faster, yes, think about it. Think about your spouse or friend, is there something you can do to save them time. Perhaps you are going to the grocery store, same cleaners, post office. And maybe the best time saver of all. Listen!
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