Saturday, July 30, 2011

Seriously Blessed!

I'm lying here in bed on a Saturday morning wondering why in the heck when I want to sleep in I can't. Seriously. I so wanted to sleep late this AM. I'm annoyed at myself but I'll get myself back, I'll nap this afternoon.
I'm a little excited, I'm home for the next couple of weeks. I'm going to relish every single second because on the 14th I begin an eleven week travel cycle that is going to be HELL. Yep, I said it. So, the next couple of weeks, I'm taking it a bit easy or as easy as I can, with figuring out how to get one booth in twenty different locations and and everything else. Planning is so critical in my job too and no one thinks of that either. Seriously! That's why I do what I do!
Some really cool things came together this week. You guys know I do these AMAZING 3Day walks. I'm participating in two this year. One here in Dallas in November and then in 3 weeks - YES - 3 weeks in MN. Well, my friend Bob Black gave our team 40 Izod POLO shirts, they are beautiful wicking shirts and then a very dear distributor friend of mine, Jay Jacobus of Scarborough Specialties is assisting me in embroidering those shirts. Then last night I opened a box and there were the Drawstring bags that Sonny of Landes Bags and my precious friend Nancy Jolley had donated to our team. We are going to put the shirts in them and deliver them to the teammates as a surprise. These bags will be a great assest as we come off the walk, undressing (layers people) we can place the items in the bags. They are so perfect and our team is so blessed. I'm so blessed to have friends to ask favors of. Seriously, my friends are going to start running when they hear my name. This is all for a great cause. I'm on a personal mission to wipe out cancer. I think I can do it! Seriously,there is something within, that makes me believe I can do it, either with these walks or with the fact that I take every drug they throw at me to try. I believe one of these drugs is a future healer, maybe not in my lifetime but in the future. I can just see some doctor going "A Ha, this is it!". Picture something you want, say it out loud.". I believe it can happen.
I spent this week at my mother's while on calls in the San Antonio area. I said I should get hazard pay since I don't pay for a hotel while in the area. I love my Mom but you know how it is when you are busy all day and try to come back to someones house and do your work too. Oh my gosh. I would try to go to by bedroom at night but that didn't work because she would follow me back there too. I can tell she is lonely. Bless her heart.
My precious younger son Chance received great news on Monday. He is the newest officer with the Rhome Police Department. He will start in 2 weeks full time with them. He's been volunteering with them to keep his credentials and working full time for Weatherford as an 911 Operator. We are so proud of him! "If you find a job you love, you'll never work a day in your life". I was told that one day and I truly believe it. I love what I do and I know this is Chance's dream job as well. Love him much! God protects him everyday, so I don't have to worry about him. He is in good hands.
I'm hoping to get all the children together in the next couple of weeks. Hunter turns 3 on August 12th. Can't believe 3 years have nearly flown by.
PET Scan results are in and I look good. Oh, I know I look good, but all looks good for me and in me. Liver tumor has remained in it's steady pattern of no growth. Bone cancer is at a steady no growth. The tumor that was on my lung and the one on my brain so NOTHING!!!!! So long SUCKERS! So this week I'm feeling Seriously Blessed!

Monday, July 18, 2011

HOT in bed alright!

I've been training my rear off - walking almost everyday. The only day I haven't walked in the last week was Saturday and that is because I traveled in the middle of the night. Jeez! So many things, it seems like the past 10 days have flown by. I'm gearing up for the walk, preparing my body is so hard. People always wonder, how can you do a 3Day walk. How can you not? I have this passion to find a cure, a cure for cancer and I want it soon. No, I don't have breast cancer but I do have cancer and I want to be cured. So, if they find a cure for BC, they will for other cancers, I'm just sure of it.
Most of you know that when I awaken I mediate. I rest my mind for about 5 minutes, then I think about cancer leaving my body for about 5 minutes and then I pray for a few minutes that God will lead my physicians and the researchers around the world to a cure for cancer. I realize that one may not be found in my lifetime, I'm just hopeful.
Things have been busy, travel is in full force lately. I wrote on Facebook the other day that Home is where I do laundry, have sexual relations and repack. Seriously!
I went to the gynecologist on Tuesday to see about the dang nightsweats. OMG! They were getting so bad. First of all, she still can't believe how quickly I was up and about after this last bout with the TUMOR!! She was greatful that Dr. I. was able to get the tumor via daVinci and said he was still shocked it was not cancer and he was able to get that "sucker" with 5 little holes. She was so good about helping me decide on a treatment for the flashes and sweats since I can't really do a man made hormone. We're going to try one even though it is not recommeneded for a cancer patient. She and my oncologist did a conference call and they decided that we should try this treatment. I'm still having the night sweats BUT she said it could take up to 4 weeks. My oncologist will be looking for any elevations, even the tinest. Let's pray there aren't any because the honey needs to sleep with someone that isn't soaking the bed in sweat! How romantic! Yeah, I'm HOT in bed all right! LOL!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

There you are Girl - Welcome Back

Yes, I fell off planet blog - but I'm back. I had the nodes checked out and was told the cancer had spread to my lymph nodes. Aaaahhh shit is the first thing I will say. The surgeon wanted to wait and see. That is always something I want to do with cancer, NOT! He did send me down to a ear, nose and throat guy because he didn't think that was causing my ear trouble though. That ENT JERK by the way gave me a run around and cost my insurance a pretty penny - I'll talk about that in a minute. Anyway, long story short. After another MRI/CT scan the first of this week it appears that there is NO cancer in the lymph node system. Early happy dance (not pretty) but hopeful on my part that we are looking at clear nodes here. Now my doctors at Southwest still want to do a PET Scan (was suppose to be done on Friday- I didn't follow eating orders, YES, there are eating orders to this scan, first it is high in protein, not carbs. I did the opposite. OK people it had been a year for me for this particular scan and I went out of my way to get a baked potato so I could have carbs and then there is a no coffee for 24 hours, first of all can we say BITCH if there is no coffee in TJ in those 24 hours. That is 2 mornings with out coffee people. She is not pretty or NICE. Forget the Pretty, let's talk nice.). So, PET scan in a couple of weeks rescheduled - still have issues with the no coffee in 24 hours-Just saying there will most likely need to be a notice put in the paper for the NO COFFEE in TJ - LOOK OUT WORLD! So I don't know what the first radiologist was looking at on the scan or if and yes I do believe that prayers are answered. The PET scan will show very detailed tumors so if they are there in the nodes they will show up. Here is is my thought, I'm not worried. I've been blessed so far and God had really carried me thru all of this and I mean all of this and I'm not going to get upset about this too much. Yes, I still have my pity parties but they are small and limited to a time frame and then I must get over and get on with my life. Do I sit in bed all day(sometimes on the weekend - yes) do I feel bad (yes) will I stay in bed for a full day because I feel bad (not during the week). I have a job, responsibilities, I need to get on with life and do it. Sure I'd love to say feel sorry for me that I have cancer but thank goodness I also have friends that keep me in check and don't treat me as if I'm sickly. Oh dear God, I think that I would be the most depressed person if they all treated me like I was some sickly individual. OH I would hate it.
What else ... decided to do the 3Day walk in MN - the Twin Cities. I was a little doubtful here. OK first of all I had this issue with my ear. Let's go back to the first ENT. I thought it was the lymph node pressing on my ear. The first guy said it was me clenching my jaw at night grinding my teeth. Gave me a weeks worth of Valium and I would me fine. NOT! Wasted my time - I didn't even get the prescription filled as I know I don't clench or grind my teeth. Finally got in to see a good ENT, come to find out, it is allergies. Nasonex and some allergy meds everyday and the clogging in my ear is so much better, no dizziness, no popping, no clicking sound all in under a week!. So don't go see Dr. Gary Goldsmith and waste your money. Dr. Gamble will at least look at your ear in depth and take the time to listen to what you are saying. Thank goodness. Now that I know what is going on with the ears. And I went on a gluten free diet about 6 weeks ago, started putting on some weight, OK 2 pounds, but for me this is major. I didn't what was causing me to still have major stomach issues (i won't go into all the details here) but I couldn't figure this all out. Even after my surgery I was having issues. So I cut glutens out of my diet, OMG. Do I feel BETTER, the bloating, gas has stopped. I don't have to wait all day to eat now because I know I don't have to worry about where the bathroom is located(if you know what I mean). Now, I can do the walk and feel good.
So, Thursday, I signed up for MN - Twin Cities. Bad news, it is 6 weeks away. Good news - I will be walking with my bestest buds. I love the Sharla Schooley's Angels. Sharla is an Angel now, her brother Jason is our leader, our mentor, not my blood brother, but I claim him as my brother. Jason and I can go weeks with out talking and then talk like we haven't been apart. I love the other mates, Lorenzo, Linda, Jana, Greg, Jerry - we have like 18 total members - only 6 will be walking in MN. When you walk with them, the 20 miles every day, seem to just melt by. OK, some don't but I wouldn't want to walk with anyone else. I just have a passion to find a cure for this disease called cancer. It's rotten, it's one of the worst, and every time I hear someone stricken with it, no matter if it is breast, kidney, liver, skin. I detest it. So this year I will walk in two walks again. Twin Cities and Dallas with the team. In April I was doubtful I could do it, I thought I would be too weak and I was told I couldn't do it(that was a no,no!) But yesterday and today, I did two 3 mile training walks and you know what my body surprised me. I felt the old walker tj in there. She was not only wanting to come back she was shouting "There you are girl - Welcome back."