Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Friends - I love them. I love having a bunch of girlfriends at dinner and just talking about the most awesome things. Like love, clothes, food, work, health, celebrations. I love being with a bunch of friends and just joshing. To me that is what life is about - surrounding yourself with the friends and doing nothing but laughing and if you get some conversation in - fantastic. To me this is the best medicine. I love this! When I die, I hope my girlfriends do nothing but go out and celebrate just like we did last night. I want to be able to slide a chair up and hear laughter.

Life, I'd like to talk about it for a minute. In the past year I've realized that Taylor (my 8 month old that died after 9 and half hours of open heart surgery) actually prepared me for this fight of my life. Taylor was ill most of her 8 months and 13 days. Even though she couldn't talk, she never complained, she often smiled thru her treatments and she taught me how to be tough and be a trouper. If she could do the fight, so can I. I believe she prepared me for this journey I've been thru. There have been times that I thought that I'd like to give up the fight and go spend the time with Taylor and finish eternity rocking her in Heaven. Really, it has been difficult at times but I know that my time here on earth is not finished. First of all, God is so not ready for me yet. Can you imagine the thought of me in Heaven - the clouds not being fluffy enough, or my wings being a little itchy. Of course, my halo will always be crooked! I hope one day to expand on the story of Taylor's journey - that is a story that will need to be told. She was an angel on this earth and she changed my life for the better.

THE dress came in over the weekend. It is perfect! It is special! It fits beautiful and the L man says I looks lovely in it. I can't wait to wear it in NY for my special occasion. Now to find the right shoes, clutch and wrap to go with it. I have a set of jewelry that was given to me as a gift that I believe will be perfect with it.

This weekend we went to go get special treats for the Easter baskets. I had a blast shopping with the honey for the grandson. We purchased Hot wheels, frogs, safari sets, bubbles, puppies, and bears for the eggs. Hunter won't get his until this week. I love getting the unusual for him. He loves his T-Lee!!! And T-Lee loves him. I picked up his pictures that we had made of him in his overalls just like his dad Lariat at 19 months. Those two could be twins 28 years apart. They both have bumps on the same side of their heads too!

In my gratitude journal tonight, I've grateful for many things but most importantly, I'm grateful for friends. Those that pick you up, make you laugh, and most importantly are their for you in good times and rough times and even rougher times.

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