Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hunter and his bug!

Hunter bug came to visit! He was so sick though. His daddy brought him in and he put his little arms around me and just hugged me. He was such a sweetheart. He had gotten sick in the car, so I had to get him undressed and into the tub. I put his farm animals in there with him. He was happy then. I know what boys like. He was so good. I cooked him some plain mashed potatoes and he ate those and carrots. He's grown so much. It was nice to have Lariat and Chance here. Chance left and Lariat and I went to Target and got diapers and pull ups for Hunter. Ash wants to start potty training. Hunter was just laying his head down on the cart and I knew he wasn't going to last long. We came home and got him cleaned up and some liquids and Lariat headed home. I rested up.

Monday I went to take a shower and there were farm animals in the tub! That's what you find when little boys visit! I was on the phone when the most awesome package came. It was a "message board" that Shelley, Michelle and Nancy put together for me. It is AMAZING. They decorated it with a Cowboy jersey and pink stuff and had customers and friends write these messages and they tucked them inside. OMG! Of course I cried.

Today, I had my second dose of radiation this week. I also had a scan on my ribcage. I'm been hurting in what I thought was my left breast. Turns out it's my upper rib cage there that's the problem. My doctor called this evening - the cancer has spread to that rib cage, so now it's in both sides. Not a big deal! We'll manage it - just a little more pain medication and it will be bearable. After radiation I went over to Grapevine and helped get ready for Lone Star Sales University. I'm volunteering for that today and tomorrow. We stuffed some bags for the event tomorrow.

I just called and checked on the Hunter man. He's feeling better but Lariat said he's not feeling so hot, apparently Hunter had a little "bug". Let's hope T-Lee didn't catch it!

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